Thank you for all the bloggers who participated in this study.
Here is an extract from the statistics of the first half of the findings.
Scope of the study
The focus of this study was mainly on Malaysian bloggers who owns a weblog and blogs in English.
Out of the 150 questionnaire distributed only 117 replied. 17 replied questionnaires were not used for this study as it was not fully completed by the respondents which may influence the reliability and validity of this study.
Background information of the Respondents
Gender: Male:58, Female: 42, Total: 100
Age of respondents: 20-24 years old (42%)
Level of education: Degree holder (63%)
Mother Tongue: Chinese (47%)
Weblog writing skill: Rated Good (72%) --- high confidence
Experience in Blogging: More than 24 months (41%)
Service used: (53%)
Post/s published per week: 1-2 posts (34%)
Comment/s received per week: 1-2 posts (51%)
Hours spent for blogging: 1-2 hours (40%)
Interaction between Bloggers
I read comments written by readers. 4.78 (high)
I reply to comments written by readers 4.0 (high)
I use hyperlink in my entries. 3.62 (high)
I include images in my entries. 3.50 (high)
I use my real name when blogging.3.23 (medium)
I include audio in my entries. 1.50 (low)
I include video in my entries. 1.50 (low)
The second part will trail in soon.
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